Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Textbook Picture

I like this idea for a picture due to it being such a simple picture but with dramatic lighting on one size of his face and hands he carrys a regal and powerful attitude.

Conveying a message Photography

 This picture conveys to me how hard the lion is trying to stay awake but ALAS...he cannot
 This photograph conveys the message that Prince William said something pretty stupid and she's like "Did you really just say that".
 This photograph conveys the message that he is not getting his way right now, and he is mad.
 This portrays two children who are so adorable.  Children love.
Depressing but a very strong image of lonilyness and sadness.

I like the moment I captured with this picture, I walked right into the room and this was the face she gave me when I walked in.

Rule of Thirds

 The sun (what I believe is the main subject of the photo) and the rocks are sitting on the water, which is one third of the photo.
The middle of the photo almost reflexs the two owls.
 The dog takes up the middle of the photo, but how the eyes are positioned it follows the rule of thirds.
 It goes from the upper third of the photo to the lower third.
The flower is so much more red than the others, and it pops out from the others.

This is my rule of thirds photograph.  I like it because the stairs lead down a third of a way to the house placed at a third.  I would have liked to do some burning and contrast to define the subject more clearly, but I did not learn those techniques until after I posted this picture.


      What I think makes a good portrait-  A good portrait of someone can be only forced so much.  It is important to consider the backround and atmosphere of the shot to add elements of unity and balance to the photo, but you cannot tell someone to make an awesome face and expect it to be an amazing portrait.  There is a bit of luck involved in portrait photography, capturing the right moment with the subject.

 I like the texture and lighting in this photo alot.  It's not very typical of a portrai, kinda creepy in a way.
 I like this photo because it breaks the rule of thirds but works perfectly.  Also the baby looks so serious, which is unique in a baby shot. 
 I like the simplicity of the portrait, but is very drawing to my eye
 I like this rolling stones cover because he seems like he just came out of a show, and there is a contrast between his enviornment and what he is wearing.
 I like this portrait because it catches the raw energy and emotion of the moment.  Not much of a personal portrait, but it could definantly be cover art for one of the band's album.
 This portrait is also very raw and intriguing.  Her expression seems so realistic in the sense that it seems like she is in the room.
 This is an interesting candid shot that was eventually going to be a photoshoot. 
 Another cool candid portrait, definantly has an element of realness and kinda touches out to the viewer.
 Another candid portrait, very lucky positioning of the child and the flower.
Awesome texture and lighting.  Very intriguing face.
This is a framing role I did, it involves the center object, which is a statue of a holy figure, inbetween the arches.  I like th feel of it, however i wish the frame was a little less crooked and that i burned the sides of the picture a little more. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lighting discussion- How to go against the light meter.

If you are far away from the subject you will want to put the light meter for whatever is focused in the light.  Normally the light meter will try and work for making the whole photo well light, which will lose detail on the subject in the light.  You should make the shutter speed quicker by two or one clicks to compensate for the light meter.  Additionally, if you can get close to the subject and get the light meter standing closer to him, you can get a more accurate light shot.

Monday, March 28, 2011

My House!

I think cool ideas for some photos that I could do around the house would be taking a picture of my family at the dinner table, with my Mom cooking.  I could also get a hallway shot of them eating to.  I could take a picture of my brothers battling it out on a video game, and I could get behind the couch to get a cool shot.  Also shots of the piano room (lower left) would be cool since there are a lot of interesting light effects I could play with in that room.

Scanned Camera/ Enlarger