Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What I would like to take pictures of

1.  Race Car-  I would to take it at a slow shutter speed at an aerial view so it looks like a bunch of blurs racing.

2. Close up of a pimple-  I would do it at a lower aperture so that the pimple is the focus of the picture.

3. Picture of a winning team-  higher aperature to capture the reaction of the whole team.

4. Picture of splashing water-  Higher shutter speed to catch each individual water dropplet.

5. Picture of the Northern Lights-  Very long shutter speed to catch a huge blur of colors over a long span.

6. Picture of Badlands during the night-  Higher aperature to capture the contrast between rock formations and night sky. 

7. Picture of UFO- That would be highly unlikily to find one, but if I did, I would like to take a picture of it at a high shutter speed so that I could get undeniable proof of aliens and make tons of money of a Casino in Russia. 

8. Picture of New York City streets- At a low shutter speed to catch motion blur. 

9. Picture of Kayne-  For Keenan, because he wants a picture of Kayne

10. Picture of Amish Country- For an old syle feel, at a high aperature to catch all that goes on. 

The End.

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