Monday, March 28, 2011

My House!

I think cool ideas for some photos that I could do around the house would be taking a picture of my family at the dinner table, with my Mom cooking.  I could also get a hallway shot of them eating to.  I could take a picture of my brothers battling it out on a video game, and I could get behind the couch to get a cool shot.  Also shots of the piano room (lower left) would be cool since there are a lot of interesting light effects I could play with in that room.

Scanned Camera/ Enlarger

Sunday, March 27, 2011

DVD questions: Jim Brandenburg's 90 day Journey

My favorite Brandenburg photo on his 90 day journey would be Day 40: Frosty Sedge Meadow.

I was drawn by the really appealing color scheme of the winter whites and blacks along with the orange sky and trees, but also by how bizarre the grass looks as if it was blowing in the wind.  It also uses the rule of thirds, the front 1/3rd more black and slowly as it goes out fading to the last thirds which is mostly orange and red.  It is definitely a landscape shot, so although there doesn't seem to be a real subject it doesn't need one. 

The reason I think he wanted to only take one picture every 90 days is to make it so that only when all conditions are right and every element is in place he takes the shot.  Instead of coming back with 100s of good photgraphs, he comes back with 90 exceptional and amazing photographs.

Lines photography

 I like how they use natural light in this photo to portray all the intersecting lines.
 This picture definitely leads your eyes right to the center of the picture.
 This is the St. Louis Arch, but at this angle it doesn't exactly portray it.  Kinda reminds me of the song Stairway to Heaven. 
 I like the reflection in the photo, adds more to the interesting shot.
Ok...they are a little cute.  Also how each line is perfectly places on a snail is neat.

Depth of Field Photography pics.

 Large depth of field/ aperature
Large depth of field
 Large aperature

 Very shallow depth of field- close to the subject
 Shallower, even close to the subject in focus
I like this one.  The one that you may think would be in focus is not, it's the farther gnome.  Still shallow depth of field, but the focus is not in front.

Frozen/Motion blur pictures

Shutter speed- 1/1000

 Shutter speed- 1/6000
Shutter speed- 1/500
Shutter speed- 4 seconds
Shutter speed- 1/2
Shutter speed- 1 second

Friday, March 18, 2011

Critique of stop motion, depth of field, and line assignment.

Stop motion/ Motion blur- I was happy with what I got for stop motion picture, the water flowing down the stream made it appear like a combination of water and ice at a quick shutter speed.  However the motion blur picture I thought could have been better used.  It would have been cooler if i tried to motion blur quicker moving things like cars or a soccer ball. 

Depth of Field- I felt like I overall did good at portaying a large depth of field in taking a picture of the whole landscape and water.  I found that easier than taking the shallow depth of field photos, because in the shallow you have to make sure the subject is just perfect in the photo where in a large depth of field there is more room for "error".

Line assignment- I felt like I could've done a better job if I did not rush this assignment as much and thought outside the box.  There wasn't enough of a subject in my line photos, the lines should be rather used to emphasize a subject, usually not be the subject. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Desk Picture- 50s Photograph

Words that come to mind-
These words describe this photo because it seems that both the people in this photo are interested in different ways.  The child is intrigued by the swirling top  while the adult is beffuddled at maybe why the kid is so interested in it.  The picture is linear in a way,but what is drawing to the picture is the two people who seem to make the backround irrelavant or not seen at first for me.